22 November, 2015

Some Fruits with description in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is the land of natural variation. Bangladesh is Popular for beautiful place, flower, fruits, animal etc. The country has a large number of different fruits in different seasons. The fruits are tasteful, delicious and also rich with many kinds vitamins, minerals and others food value.

In every season various kinds of fruits grow in the country. The fruits different are in color, size, taste. Some fruits are sweet, some are taste sour, and some are juicy. The most popular fruits in Bangladesh are Jackfruit, Mango, Banana, Litchi, Orange, The coconut, Guava, Pine Apple, Apple, Papaw, Water Melon, Grapes, Palm, Star Fruit (Camranga), Amla, Pomegranate (Dalim) etc.
Fruits of Bangladesh
Most popular fruits in Bangladesh

Mango: Mango is the most popular fruit in the country. Many people like this fruit for its taste, flavor, vitamins, juicy and food value. Mango is the fruit of summer season but now-a-days, the fruits may found in other season. The local people call the fruit as the king of fruit of Bangladesh. There are so many varieties of mangos such as Langra, Fazli, Gopalbhogh, Mohonabogh, Maldhori etc. Fazli, Langra, Gopalbhogh are the famous mango in the country. Mango grow in all over the country but it's grow more in Rajshahi, Dinajpur, Bogora, Dhaka etc.
Mango is the most popular fruit in the country. Many people like this fruit for its taste, flavor, vitamins, juicy and food value.

Jackfruits: Jack-fruits is the National Fruit of Bangladesh. It is also popular in the country for its tasty flavor, vitamins and minerals. The fruits are different in size. Jackfruit is the mainly found in summer season in Bangladesh and it grow all over the country. Chittagong, Sylhet, Dhaka, Moymenshing, Savar and Hilly area is the main place where the Fruits grow.
Jack-fruits is the National Fruit of Bangladesh. It is also popular in the country for its tasty flavor, vitamins and minerals.

The Banana: Banana is the favorite fruit in the country because of its availability in the whole year. Banana grows all over the country in all time. The fruit are rich with Iron, Vitamins, and Minerals etc. There are so many kinds Banana found in the country such as Chompa, Sagor, Sarbori etc are the popular.
Banana is the favorite fruit in the country because of its availability in the whole year. Banana grows all over the country in all time.
The Banana

The Litchi: Litchi is another popular fruit in Bangladesh. The fruit small in size and when the fruit ripe then it looks red. The fruit are also rich with vitamins, iron, minerals etc. Litchi is found mainly in summer season and found all over the country. It grows mainly Rajshahi, Dinajpur and Dhaka.
Litchi is another popular fruit in Bangladesh. The fruit small in size and when the fruit ripe then it looks red. The fruit are also rich with vitamins, iron, minerals etc
The Litchi

The Coconut: Coconut is the common fruit in the country. The fruit found everywhere in Bangladesh. In all season it grows and it is not so hard to cultivate the fruit. The fruit is popular for its water. Chittagong, Barisal, Khulna, Nowakhali, Lakshmipur is the main are where the fruit grows huge.
Coconut is the common fruit in the country. The fruit found everywhere in Bangladesh. In all season it grows and it is not so hard to cultivate the fruit. The fruit is popular for its water.
The Coconut

The Pine Apple: Pine apple is another common fruit in Bangladesh. The fruit found in Rainy Season. The fruit is popular for its juicy and testy. It is found all over the country but plenty in Sylhet.
Pine apple is another common fruit in Bangladesh. The fruit found in Rainy Season.
The Pine Apple

Wa Melonter: Watermelon is the favorite fruit for the countries people in summer season. The fruit is rich with water and iron. It grows all over the country. It is a good fruit because there are no fat and it is also helpful for stomach.
Watermelon is the favorite fruit for the countries people in summer season. The fruit is rich with water and iron.
Wa Melonter

Orange, Plam, Papaw, Lemon, Star Fruit are also popular fruits in Bangladesh. Papaw grows in whole year and it is a testy food. Orange rich with vitamins C. Lemon is also rich with Vitamins C and use for making juice in hot season.

From the fruits Bangladesh earn a lot of foreign remittance. If we grow more fruit and ensure proper processing system then we can earn a large number of foreign exchange by exporting them. The Bangladeshi fruits are popular all over the world.

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